Friday, December 8, 2017

Red Bull: is the energy drink energy efficient?

Group 6 analyzed and evaluated the current environmental strategies and made further suggestions for the company Red Bull GmbH, the makers of the Red Bull energy drink. Currently, Red Bull does fairly well in being environmentally friendly and sustainable; for example, they use locally sourced water, recyclable materials, and wall-to-wall production (to reduce greenhouse gas emissions). However, they only have one production hub, which is in Austria, when they ship to 170 other countries, thereby increasing their emissions. Also, since the company is private, the only information available about their performance is information they choose to release, which could be potential greenwashing. Our group conducted a survey and found that out of the college students who responded, most preferred that the company be eco-friendly. Since college students are a target consumer (according to their can) and based on our other findings, we suggested that Red Bull greatly improve their transparency regarding their environmental practices, and that they further their strides in sustainability, emphasizing reducing their greenhouse gases. This will reflect better on their name and be better for the environment, and these will both be important in the coming years.
Group 6: Arman Tahmazyan, Taylor Ely, Mikyla Reta

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